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文章来源:mg摆脱放分时间宣 发布时间:2018年06月10日 点击数: 字体:



摄影作品:高二(11)班   郭芝彤


Work Hard and Follow Your Dream




        Many years later, when you look back, the pain is pretty, and the sweat is sweet. Before that, please do not complain life is too hard.

        In 2012, I became a high school student in Dong Fang high school. I know I am going to fight for three years to pass an exam. The entrance exam to universities is hard. Many students call it as nightmare. However, they also realize that is an important chance for them to change their lives. My high school is full of studying. Until now, when I share my high school study experience with my friends in United States, they were all shocked how life was rough and how can Chinese students stand that. I will never forget reading books at balcony at 4am. I will also never forget how many times I fell into sleep during morning reading class. Life is bored without having fun with your friends. I cannot remember how many times I was told high school friends would have the most trustable friendship with you. But when I go to university, the more people I meet, the less true friendship I can get. High school friendship is simple. We can gain the friendship from helping each other with buying snacks, getting hot water, or solving a homework problem. Walking with best friend back to dooms is the sweetest memory.

        After I took my entrance exam to university, I got good scores above the first line. With the dream of studying in Shanghai, I went to Shanghai University of Electric Power. College life is fun. Besides studying, we got lots of activities to attend. I chose to go to student government’s life and right department. I contributed a lot of time and energy to it by attending every activity. I was paid back with being a vice minister of my department. In that year, me and other three ministers were the first group of ministers who were just freshman. It stands for such a big honor. But I barely told others about it, in case they think I am showing off. At that time, I am deeply affected by other’s opinion. I will give up things easily if people think I should. That is not me. I lost my ambition for my future life. I started skipping classes for doing things for my department and club. It is such a wrong thing because I am still a student. I started hanging around and I stopped working hard. Of course, these behaviors did not bring me some good results. After that, I started thinking college life only brings me something bad and it is useless that I feel my life is worse than a high school student’s life. I do not know what I am fighting for and which direction I am going to. The college life is not the life I was dreaming about when I studied day and night in high school.

        Tomorrow is unknown, but today is under control. Everything stared changing because I got a chance to study aboard as an exchange student. In August of 2016, I started my new college life in U.S.A. This year is a turning point in my life. Compared with Chinese college’s 25 to 33 hours classes per week, American college has 12 to 21 hours classes per week. If you think study task gets much easier, you are totally wrong. A three credits class mean you have to take three hours classes and study and do your homework for this class for at least three hours. English as my second language, I really had a hard time with studying and understanding. During the hard time, I started dreaming more about my future. I am able to change my major any time I want, which gives my future a lot more probabilities. When I decided to start as a college freshman in U.S.A., my friends think I am crazy. However, I have the best parents in this world. They told me they would support it with their ability if it were really what I want. This decision means I wasted my three years effort to get high scores in entrance exam to a Chinese university, and it also means I cut my way to go back. I have been studying almost two years so far in McMurry University, Texas, United States. After I made that decision, I told myself I need work harder and harder to pay it back to my family and myself in the future. My high GPA, my rewards as an honor student, my articles published in school newspaper, and my part-time job as a school tutor, they confirmed me that I did a right decision. The harder you work, the more you can get. The positive circles bring me more and more self-confidence. I was brave and the decision is successful, but I do not encourage high school students to follow it by quitting from their colleges and studying aboard. Different people has different personalities. Finding what you really want and who you really are is really important.

        High school life is hard but awesome. I feel really grateful that my high school teaches me to work hard and to do my best. I am carrying my lessons and care from my teachers to move on to my future life. No matter where you are, work hard. No matter when it is, follow your dream.

        ——Happy 60th birthday to my dear high school:mg摆脱放分时间



摄影作品:高二(7)班   陈姿逸




高一(9)班   朱瑞景   




























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